Document numberRevision

Manufacturer Part


Manufacturer Parts are made available in Highstage allowing you to keep track of parts that are produced by specific manufacturers.

It enables you to include essential information including the unique Manufacturer's Part Number (MPN), lifecycle state, use status and much more. It also enables you to keep track of any Bill of Material (BOM) where a specific manufacturer part is used or is readily available and prioritized:


Visit the Configuration chapter to learn about configuring Manufacturer Parts to be available in your Highstage application.



Unique Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPN)

Each manufacturer part are required to include a Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) that is unique for the assigned manufacturer. In other words, a manufacturer part cannot be created in Highstage if they share the same manufacturer as well as Manufacturer Part Number (MPN).

Similarly, any existing Manufacturer Part cannot be updated and changed at a later point in time to share the same manufacturer as well as manufacturer part number if it already exists:



Lifecycle of a Manufacturer Part

the lifecycle on each individual manufacturer part indicates its state and availability. It is possible for Highstage administrators to extend or update the list of available lifecycle states to their needs.

The following table defines the default manufacturer part lifecycle states:

Lifecycle stateAbout
ActiveManufacturer part is available and active (can be used).
end of LifeManufacturer part has reached the end of its life and is no longer available.
DiscontinuedManufacturer part has been discontinued and is no longer available.



Use status of a Manufacturer Part

The use status of each individual manufacturer part can be used to determine which available and active manufacturer part that should be used. It is possible for Highstage administrators to extend or update the list of available use status' to their needs.

The following table defines the default manufacturer part use status:

Use statusAbout
UseThis manufacturer part is available for use.
AvoidThis manufacturer part should not be used unless no other option is available.
PreferredThis manufacturer part is a preferred option.



Transferring Manufacturer Part Files

Each individual manufacturer part has its own folder where dedicated files can be stored.

Through the Transfer Manufacturer Part Files section that are available on each manufacturer part, you are able to easily and quickly copy all files to the parts that references the manufacturer part:




Creating a manufacturer part type

to create a new manufacturer part type:

  1. Navigate to Manufacturer Parts from the side navigation menu and select create type.
  2. Provide a name for the new manufacturer part subtype.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Check the Active checkbox for the newly create subtype to become active.


The newly created type can now be used when creating new manufacturer parts.


Creating a new manufacturer part

To create a new manufacturer part:

  1. Navigate to Manufacturer Parts from the side navigation menu and select New.

  2. fill out essential information about the manufacturer part including Manufacturer as well as manufacturer part number:


  3. Click Create.

You have succesfully created a new manufacturer part and will automatically be navigated to its dedicated page: image-20220617105956008


Creating a new or assigning an existing manufacturer part to a part

From any part in Highstage you can use the Manufacturer Parts section to add or create new manufacturer parts to be referenced directly:


To add or create a new manufacturer part to be referenced by a part:

  1. Navigate to any part in Highstage.
  2. Navigate to the Manufacturer Parts section.
  3. Click Create to create a new manufacturer part or click Add to add an existing manufacturer part as a reference to the part.

The created or added manufacturer part with automatically be added as a reference to the part to be part of the Bill of Materials (BOM): image-20220617111214547



Enabling Manufacturer Part

To enable Manufacturer Part in your Highstage installation:

  1. Please include the following snippet directly in custom.schema.xml:

Tip: Click here to learn more about the <include> element.

  1. Click Reset in Highstage.
  2. Navigate to SYSTEM > SCHEMA > APPLY for all changes to take effect.

A new basetype manufacturerpart will now have been made available in Highstage.

Ensure that you assign appropriate permissions in basetype security allowing select users and/or user groups to view, update and create new manufacturer parts. This can be done directly from SYSTEM > Security > Basetype security (requires a set user level of AdminWrite by default):



Adding Manufacturer Part to the side navigation menu

To make Manufacturer Part readily available from the side navigation menu, please include the following snippet directly in custom.schema.xml:

Tip: Click here to learn more about configuring the side navigation menu in Highstage.


Click Reset in Highstage for all changes to take effect:


Enabling or disabling revisions

you can turn revisions on or off for each individual type of manufacturer part. This enables you to control whether you want full version control and history for each individual manufacturer part. They can still be subjected to review and approval processes regardless.

To enable or disable revisions...:

  1. Navigation to Manufacturer Parts > types.
  2. Select a preexisting type of Manufacturer Part (if the list is empty, please create a new type by clicking Create type from the side navigation menu).
  3. Expand the Options section for the selected type.
  4. check to enable revisions (default) or uncheck to disable revisions.


Examples of created Manufacturer Parts including/excluding revisions is shown below:

