Document numberRevision

<job> Element - Schema Reference


Parent element(s): <schema>.

The <job> element can be used to automatically execute .ASPX files, or run external hooks, and can be scheduled to run daily or at a set interval.


Content model

The specification of what attributes, elements and data that are available and allowed within the <job> element.



This section introduces you to the XML attributes and values that are available and can be included within the <job> element.

nameUnique element name.✔️
timeSpecific time at which the scheduled job will be executed daily.
Accepted format is HH:mm (00:01...23:59).
✔️ / (requires either time or interval attribute to be defined).
intervalSpecific period frequency for how often the scheduled job will be executed.
Accepted format is HH:mm (00:01...23:59).
✔️ / (requires either time or interval attribute to be defined).
urlDefines the destination (address) of a specific .ASPX file to be executed.✔️ / (Requires either url attribute or url element to be defined).



This section introduces you to the XML elements that are available and can be placed within the <job> element.

urlThis element defines the destination (in data characters [CDATA] as a value) of a specific .ASPX file to be executed.✔️


Special elements

There are no special elements available to be placed within the job element.



Active Directory (AD) user- and user group replication

Example of a <job> definition (default and bundled with Highstage) that creates new, updates existing, and removes inactive users and user groups from the associated Active Directory (AD) by executing the associated file (adsireplicate.aspx) every hour:


Ingoing and outgoing email communications

Example of a <job> definition (default and bundled with Highstage) that is responsible for sending and receiving pending mail communications through Highstage by executing the associated file (sendReceive.aspx) at an interval of five minutes:


Email reminder (for items reaching or exceeding specific dates)

Sample of a custom <job> definition that is executed daily at 07:00. It is responsible for sending out mails to authors on all documents that were approved over a year ago (mail subjects. recipients and recipient fallbacks can also be configured):

Info: Please refer to our documentation to learn more about configuring automated email reminders.


Custom .ASPX

Example of a custom <job> definition that executes a .ASPX file (once a day at 08:00), and is located directly in the TWEAK folder on the designated Highstage server:

Info: Please note that the referenced file customExecutableFile.aspx is an example and has no real purpose or usage.


Relevant tools and utilities


The Joblist is a tool in Highstage that lists all <job> configurations that are currently active and provides you with detailed information about each individual <job> element:


It can be accessed by administrators (With a set userlevel of AdminRead/Adminwrite) by navigating to SYSTEM > JobList.

The tool provides you with detailed information about:


