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<js> Element - Schema Reference


Parent element(s): <schema>.

The <js> element can be used to include and merge additional .js (JavaScript) files to execute JavaScript instructions in Highstage in order to add, modify or restructure existing functions, behaviors and elements.


Content model

The specification of what elements, attributes and data that are available and allowed within the <js> element.



This section introduces you to the XML attributes and values that are available and can be included within the <js> element.

nameUnique element name.✔️
srcSource path specifying the directory where the .js source file is located.



There are no available elements to be placed within the js element.


Special elements

There are no available special elements to be placed within the js element.



Including libraries

This sample (bundled and shipped with Highstage by default) shows how the JQuery JavaScript library is included in Highstage using the <js> element:


JavaScript instructions as direct values within the <js> element

This sample illustrates how you are able to add JavaScript instructions directly within the <js> element in data characters [CDATA] to avoid creating a separate .JS file and an associated url attribute on the <js> element:

Note: This sample is to illustrate how you can add JavaScript code directly within the <js> element. The purpose and contents of the JavaScript function is not relevant.


Including custom .JS file to Highstage

This sample provides you with an example of how you can include your own custom .JS files to be executed in Highstage by placing the file directly within the Tweak folder:


Relevant tools and utilities

There are no available tools or utilities related to the js element.
