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XML Reference


This article introduces you to the XML reference documentation for the Highstage platform. Here you will find an overview of all available XML schema elements and attributes that can be used to configure the functionality, behaviour, and layout of Highstage.



Parent element(s): None (this is the root schema element for Highstage configurations).

The <schema> element is the single root element for all Highstage configurations. It encloses all other elements and and is the sole parent element to all other available child elements for Highstage configurations.

Note: Please note that XML schema definition files may include additional processing instructions, including whitespace, outside of the root <schema> element. Please refer to the Samples section to learn more about the structure of XML schema files for Highstage configurations.


Content model

The specification of what elements, attributes and data that are available and allowed within the <schema> element.



There are no available attributes to be placed within the schema element.



This section introduces you to the XML elements that are available and can be placed within the <schema> element.

cssInclude .css files (Cascading style sheet file).
includeInclude .XML files (Extensible Markup file).
jobInclude and execute code repeatedly from external .aspx files (Active Server Page Extended file) with a preconfigured frequency.
jsInclude .js files (JavaScript file).
parameterGlobal definitions or rules to be applied and enforced throughout Highstage.
tree-viewConfigure the displayed contents (titles, columns, and order) when accessing the tree view of reference structures of various types (base- and/or subtypes).
typeCreating and/or configuring individual types (base- and/or subtypes) in Highstage.
vector-roleCreating new and/or modifying existing vector roles in Highstage (for assigning or granting static roles to users).


Special elements

There are no available special elements to be placed within the schema element.



Standard XML schema definition

This sample introduces you to the standard XML schema definition for the root <schema> element. Any configuration must be placed within as child elements:


Sample including child <type> element

This sample introduces you to the structure of the XML schema definition of the root <schema> element when child elements are includes:


Relevant tools and utilities

There are no available tools or utilities related to the schema element.


