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Apply on


Apply on is a feature in Highstage that enables you to effortlessly alter/update an individual data column (field) across all items in a reference structure by the same applied value and operation.


Whether it be calculating prices or percentages, updating descriptions or adding users to a list, you can achieve it using Apply on. Simply make a single change and let it propagate throughout the entire reference structure.



Apply on enables you to update individual fields on all references simultaneously or on references of specific types in the structure. Furthermore, the tool allows you to select specific operators so that you can specify whether something should be overwritten, added to, subtracted from, or calculated.



Accessing Apply on

To access Apply on:


Note: Note that availability, access and selectable types and fields of Apply on depends on the configuration of the feature. By default, we allow access for authors on working Documents, Parts and Devices. In addition, we allow access for all listed resources on Actions.


Selecting options

To fill out the available options:

Note: Having * available as a an option means that all types of references will be considered.




A summary with current and tentative changes to the field for all affected references in the structure will be displayed for your consideration before being applied:




A summary of all applied changes will be displayed:


Security considerations: Note that Write Access Denied will be displayed if the input is not supported (invalid) or if you do not have write permissions on the field. Apply on enforces standard Highstage security and no changes to fields will be made if you do not have proper permissions for making changes or if the input is invalid.


Supported types and operations

Only a subset of the available operations are available and supported for each individual data column (field) type. The following tables provide you with a clear understanding of field data types and their supported operations:

The following operations are available for text fields:

AddAppend input to existing value.Add abc to field with the value 123 resolves to be 123abc.
SubtractRemoves all occurrences of input from the existing value (input is case sensitive).Subtract is from field with the value Mississippi resolves to be Mssippi.
EqualsReplaces existing value with input.Set equals to abc123 will set field to be exactly abc123.
PrependPrepend input to existing valuePrepend 123 to TEST becomes 123TEST.


The following operations are available for bit/boolean fields (checkboxes):

EqualsReplaces existing value with input (to enable/check or disable/uncheck).Set equals to 0 or false to uncheck (disable).

Set equals to 1 or true to check (enable).


The following operations are available for numeric (integer/float) fields:

AddAdd to existing value.
SubtractSubtract from existing value.
EqualsSets new value.
MultiplyMultiplies value.

Note: Please note that float data column (fields) makes use of period (.) as a decimal separator.


The following operations are available for list fields:

AddAppend input to existing list (if input is a valid list entry/entries).Add PD;GH to ST becomes ST;PD;GH.
SubtractRemoves input from list (if input is a valid list entry/entries).Subtract GD from TR;GD;PP becomes TR;GD.
EqualsOverwrites list and replace with input (if input is a valid list entry/entries).Set equals to JB;PRO;AV overwrites existing contents altogether and becomes JB;PRO;AV.



This section introduces Highstage administrators to the various configuration capabilities of Apply on.


Default configurations

The following profile is shipped with Highstage and makes Apply on available on all Documents, Parts and Devices:

This configuration enables authors on working Documents, Parts or Devices to be able to update/alter any of the listed fields on references of all types.


The following profile is shipped with Highstage and makes Apply on available on all Actions:

This configuration enables any resource assigned to an action to be able to update/alter any of the listed fields on references of all types.


Element reference documentation

Elements and Attributes:

<type>nameSpecific type of items from where Apply on feature will be available.
<feature>name, trustees, scope, fieldFeature configuration.

<feature> Element

nameMandatory name of the <feature> element✔️
trusteesList of vector roles who is granted permissions to access and use Apply on (If no trustees are defined then AdminWrite;AdminRead;Resources will be applied and enforced).
scopeLists of specific types (base- and/or subtypes) of references to be considered (specifying * will consider all base- and subtypes).✔️
fieldList of data columns (fields) to be available for selection.✔️



Creating new Reference type list entries

The following sample shows how you can create any number of list entries to include any number of base- and or subtypes. When selected by a user, only references of those specific types will be considered.

Each entry of base- and/or subtypes can be configured by separating each set with a semicolon (;) and separating each type in the list entry (set) by a comma (,).





