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Adding any item or search page as a favorite means that you'll be able to access them quickly directly from your own dedicated favorites page. It's a great way to organize and access the contents in Highstage that you need regularly:

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Favorites is a feature in Highstage that'll enable you to add any item or search page associated with any available Module (Documents, Actions, Parts, Devices, Actions).



Add an item to your favorites

To add any item (Document, Action, Part, Device) as a favorite, click the Favorite button (star icon) at the top of the page of the item:


The star icon will change its color to reflect that the item is in your list of favorited items. Hit the Favorites button once more to remove the item from your Favorites page.


Add a search page to your favorites

To add any search page as a favorite, click the Favorite button (star icon) at the top of the search page:


The star icon will change its color to reflect that the search page is in your list of favorited search pages. Hit the Favorites button once more to remove the search from your Favorites page.


You can also add a custom title to your favorited search pages to make them easily recognizable in your favorites page:


Navigate to Options > Design (with a minimum set userlevel of AdvancedUser) from the search page and fill out the Title field:


Hit Apply Design for the changes to take effect.


View your favorites page

To view your favorites page, hit the Favorites button available by default in the top navigation menu:



The favorites page will display an expandable section for each individual favorited search page:



The favorites page will also display expandable sections (separated into sections containing Actions, Documents, Parts and Devices etc.) where all individual favorited items are listed:


Tip: All items (Documents, Actions, Parts and Devices) now includes a favorite column wherefrom the item can be added/removed as a favorite.



Enabling Favorites

Favorites are disabled by default, but can be enabled by following this procedure (requires a set userlevel of admin):

  1. Include the following snippet directly into custom.schema.xml located in the tweak folder on the Highstage server:
  1. click Reset.

Note: A warning message will be displayed related to missing columns. This will be resolved in the next step.

  1. Navigate to SYSTEM > Schema and click Apply in the side navigation menu.


Configuring enabled/disabled star icon colors

Highstage administrators can configure custom colors for the favorites button star icon to reflect that an item or search page is either favorited or not.

These color parameters can be configured by Highstage administrators with a minimum set userlevel of AdminWrite in the following manner:

Highstage requires a Restart for any changes to take effect.


Tip: Please refer to Highstage UI customization to learn about general UI parameter configurations and capabilities.
