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Consolidated Bill of Materials (CBOM)


Highstage enables you to make use of the Consolidated Bill of Materials feature to summarize and calculate various quantities at all levels in a component structure for a manufacturing bill of material report.

In this manner, it is now possible to get a general overview of entire structures as each item appears only once - but includes the total sum of occurrences (regardless of where they occur in the structure) alongside any additional calculated summary of values on each individual component:


In this article, you will learn about all of the capabilities, options and configurations available.



The following capabilities are supported by the consolidation feature:




Accessing Consolidated Bill of Materials

You can access the consolidated bill of materials from any Document, Part or Device in the following manner:




The following contents are available when accessing a consolidated view:


  1. Consolidated Bill of Materials report title (including title and ID of the consolidated item).
  2. Available preconfigured consolidation profiles for selection (configured by Highstage administrators).
  3. Available type filters (filtering for which referenced items to appear in the consolidation list).
  4. Export to Excel (Optional download to browser as .iqy or .xlsx files).
  5. Parent item (from where the consolidation was initiated).
  6. Referenced items (list of all consolidated referenced items with descriptive columns and consolidated quantities).



Default configuration

The following consolidation profile is shipped with Highstage and is available on all Documents, Parts and Devices:




Configuring new profiles

Any number of profiles can be configured to be readily available for users in Highstage.

The following sample displays all available elements and associated attributes to configure new consolidation profiles:

Elements and Attributes:

<type>nameSpecific type of items from where the consolidation profile will be available from.
<feature>nameMandatory name to configure new consolidation profiles.
<profile>name, title, columnsIndividual consolidation profiles.
<field>name, title, aggregator, filterVarious consolidated fields to be calculated and displayed in the report associated with each profile.


<profile> Element

Each individual <profile> can include any number of <field> elements.


nameMandatory unique name of the <profile> element.✔️
titleDisplayed title of the profile when selected by user.✔️
columnsList of item columns to be displayed in consolidation view.✔️


<field> Element

Each individual <field> element represents a single consolidated quantity to be calculated (based off of item and/or reference columns) and will be available in the report.


nameMandatory unique name of the <field> element.✔️
titleTitle of profile✔️
aggregatorDefine the formula to calculate the consolidated quantity (multiplied item and/or reference columns of numeric types)✔️
filterOptional filtering to only consider specific referenced items for consolidation (permitted operations includes =, !=, <, >, >=, <=. ).
Multiple filters can be specified but requires a ; separation.



Consolidation with filtering

This sample illustrates how a cost consolidation can be filtered to only include/calculate costs on components with a usestatus of preferred:

Resulting in a consolidation where only costs are calculated for components with a usestatus of Preferred:



Consolidation with multiple filters

A consolidation can be filtered using any number of conditions. Each individual criteria must be satisfied for the field to be consolidated.

In this sample we illustrate how a cost consolidation can be filtered to only include/calculate cost on components with the following filters:



Note: Observe that the <field> elements qtytotal and costtotal in the sample consolidates the entire structure whereas the <field> elements qtyfiltered and costfiltered only consolidates the components which satisfies the criteria of the defined filters.







Note: Notice how CMPN11688-2 (Component A) is the only component where Quantity (filtered) and Cost (filtered) is calculated for one of its occurrences in the structure as it is the only referenced component which satisfies all of the criteria of filtering.


Consolidation with unit of measurements

You can define and display appropriate units to each individual <field> element.

In this sample we illustrate the following:







Consolidation with unit of measurements (using runtime variables)

You can define and display appropriate units to each individual <field> element using runtime variables.

In this sample we illustrate the following:


Component structure:






