Document number | Revision |
DOCU12515 | 2 |
The scope of this document covers the functionality of programmatically interact with Highstage items, specifically updating and creation.
The structure of the [Requests](#Request body definition) and the Responses are described in the following sections, as well as a Powershell code-snippet which uses them.
The endpoint used for both updating and creation is the same, and can be found on your instance of Highstage under /ts/ts/ws/transaction.aspx (eg. and requires a POST http request.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
transaction | Element | Root element for each request | ||||||
object | Element | Child element of the transaction, one per item that requires update | ||||||
type | Attribute | The type attribute of object element specifies the object basetype | ||||||
command | Attribute | The command attribute of the object element specifies the operation to be done.
field | Element | Field element, the name* attribute defines the name of the field. The field content (InnerText) is the value of the field |
NOTE: Please note that the value of the name attribute is not necessarily the column header presented on the web interface, but the name of the column. See example below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<object type="doc" command="create">
<field name="itemtype">NCR</field>
<field name="workspace">QA</field>
<field name="description">Non-conforming device performance measurement ref 61252</field>
<field name="createby">TestUser</field>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<object type="doc" id="GD14108-0A" command="update">
<field name="note">failure to conform to accepted standards of behavior</field>
<field name="reviewby">CHN</field>
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||
response | Element | Root element for each response | ||||||||||
severity | Attribute | Severity of the transaction result
xhtml | Element | Xhtml formated message based on the severity returned |
<response severity="0"></response>
<response severity="2">
<![CDATA[<br/>ExecuteNode exception: System.Exception: Unknown column: notex. Column does not exist in type: doc
at TS.Object.Updater.Update(WebServiceResponse webServiceResponse, SqlConnection connection, XmlNode objectNode) in E:\TurboStage\TS\Object\Updater.cs:line 68
at TS.Object.Transaction.Execute(XmlNode xmlNode) in E:\TurboStage\TS\Object\Transaction.cs:line 172
By default, Highstage has Windows authentication as the primary authentication mechanism, but usually there is also Basic authentication enabled for cross-platform support. Depending on the http client used, the implementation of the authentication might differ. The following section shows how to create an API request using the PowerShell as a scripting language.
$body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><transaction><object type="doc" command="update" id="GD11944-1A"><field name="workspace">TEST</field></object></transaction>'
$response=Invoke-WebRequest $apiEndpoint -Method POST -Credential $credential -Body $body -UseBasicParsing | Select Content
In order to fetch information from Highstage, two formats are supported XML and JSON each with small variations when it comes to the way the data is structured. The endpoint returning information can be found under /ts/ts/search.aspx (eg.
Building the URL for a request definition can be done directly from the Highstage interface by searching and including appropriate filters and options required by the integration. Please refer to [Searching in Highstage]([](*&_title=Searching in Highstage&item=DOCU12184)) for a full introduction to searching for content in Highstage.
When requesting information the only mandatory filter is the type of the items requested ( document, part, workspace etc ), any other column filter being optional. After building the request, the output format should be chose, as it can be seen in the following :
The following formats can be used:
Special formats have been developed for use with Microsoft Power Bi