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Image Thumbnails - Configuration


A thumbnail is a compressed preview of an original image, used as a placeholder for displaying the full-sized image. Thumbnail capabilities are enabled for all Parts in Highstage by default.


In this article, you will learn about the concept and configuration of image thumbnails for Parts in Highstage.



For each existing Part in Highstage, a specific image stored in the associated folder can be selected to be displayed as a thumbnail.


Thumbnails can be configured to be displayed in any Search:



Thumbnails can also be configured to be displayed in any Part view:





Default column definitions


Picture selection

The PictureName column is available on all Parts. This column enables a user to select any image from the associated Parts folder to be displayed.

Note: Please note that change-reset-step="5" is set by default and clears the field of any image selection when a change to an approved Part is made. Visit Schema reference - type element to read more about available elements and attributes in Highstage.


Displaying thumbnails

The PictureThumbnail column is used to display a thumbnail of the selected image. When a user hovers the image, a larger preview of the image is shown.



AttributedescriptionDefault valuePermitted values
thumbnail-widthSpecifies the width of the thumbnail image.50px(Any length CSS property is available to be used. Read more about lengths here).
picture-widthSpecifies the width of the displayed image when hovered over.400px(Any length CSS property is available to be used. Read more about lengths here).
thumbnailSpecify the name of the generated thumbnail image.~@[image]_thumbnailAdding ~ as a prefix in the file name makes the image thumbnail temporary and will not be copied when making new revisions of the part.

Remove the prefix (~) to keep the image thumbnail when making new Part revisions.


Refreshing/regenerating thumbnails

The picturebutton column is used to regenerate a thumbnail of the selected image with the click of a button. This is useful for making sure that the thumbnail is updated whenever the original image has been updated.



Displaying an image in a Part view

To display an image thumbnail directly in a Part view, the following snippet can be used as an example:

Add the snippet to your custom.schema.xml loacted in the tweak folder in your Highstage installation files.


This gives you the following result, once an image is selected in the PictureName column:


TIP: Please refer to our documentation regarding <type> elements for more information about configuring <form>, <subform> and <field> elements - to further configure the displayed image.


Displaying selection and preview in a Part view

To be able and select directly from a Part view, the following snippet can be used:


This gives you the following result, enabling users to select and view image previews:



Displaying selection and preview in an expandable section

The following snippet illustrates the use of a section, allowing users to disband/expand the image selection and preview:




Displaying an image in a Search page

Image previews can be displayed in any search page by defining new or customizing existing <grid> elements.


As an example, the following snippet enables you to display an image directly from a part Search page.



