Document numberRevision


Highstage UI Configuration is available from Highstage Version SW10055-8


Highstage UI Customization


This article introduces you to the available parameters that allows you to customize the look and feel of Highstage through Highstage UI Configuration.



We have made it simple to alter the appearance of Highstage whilst also providing you with many more advanced options to fully customize the look of Highstage to suit your needs. Now, you simply need to define the various colors, sizes, icons and effects as parameter values directly in Highstage, to change the appearance of Highstage.



To configure the appearance of Highstage, do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have administrator privileges' and a set user level of AdminWrite.

  2. Navigate to SYSTEM > Parameters and select UI Parameters in the side navigation menu.

From here, the various parameters are available:


  1. Update the Value field of any number of available parameters:


  1. Click Reset in the top navigation menu for the changes to take effect.

Notice: When clicking Reset, you are automatically demoted to AdminRead. To make further changes, please upgrade your user level to AdminWrite.


Available Parameters

Descriptive list of available Highstage UI parameters:

Info: For more information of the accepted values for each parameter, please refer to the Accepted parameter values.


Parameter nameDescriptionTypeIllustrationDefault value
AccentColorAccent color used for menu separations and loading icon.Colorimage-20200310162001402#0062FF
CustomBorderSizeHeight of menu separations and header accent line.Sizeimage-202003101625143802px
DefaultItemMenuIconDefault icon to be used for links in the side navigation menu.Iconfas fa-circle fa-xs
DefaultSectionMenuIconDefault icon to be used for sections in the side navigation menu.Iconfas fa-bars fa-sm
DialogBGColorBackground color of dialogue windows.Colorimage-20200311085658553rgb(239, 239, 239)
DialogColorText color of the heading in dialogue windows.Colorimage-20200311090955587rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.8)
DialogHeaderBGColorBackground color of dialogue headers.Colorimage-20200311091551499#333C4D
FontMainWeightWeight of text elements in top navigation menu.Weightimage-20200311093126292400
FontSecWeightWeight of text elements in side navigation menu.Weightimage-20200311095020847300
HeaderHeightHeight of top navigation menu.Size70px
IconsEnables or disables icons in the side navigation menu.ToggleEnabled
ItemSpacingSpacing between elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-202003161505374760px
LargeFontText size of large elements in the side navigation menu.Textimage-2020031114174022310pt
LargeIndentPaddingPadding distance for large size elements in side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031111560568915px
LargeSidePaddingPadding distance for large text elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031114213988215px
LargeSizeHeight of large sized elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031112244776960px
LargeTBPaddingModifies the top and bottom padding of large menu elements.Size(We do not recommend changing this parameter)15px
LinkColorColor of text links.Colorimage-20200311112246601#006bb6
MainActiveColorBackground color for expanded sections in the side navigation menu.Colorrgba(28, 28, 28, 0.3)
MainBGColorPrimary background color for Highstage content view.Colorrgb(239, 239, 239)
MainColorText color in dialogue windows.Colorimage-20200311113308167black
MainHoverColorBackground color on elements in search pages when hovered over.Colorimage-20200317082645511rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.2)
MediumFontText size of header and medium size menu elements.Textimage-2020031111482541710pt
MediumIndentPaddingPadding distance for medium size elements in side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031111560568915pt
MediumSidePaddingPadding distance for text elements in the header and for medium text elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031112053798115pt
MediumSizeHeight of medium sized elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031112244776940px
MediumTBPaddingModifies the top and bottom padding of medium menu elements.Size(We do not recommend changing this parameter)5px
SecActiveColorColor of the elements (including icons, text and arrows) within an expanded section in the side navigation menu.Colorrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
SecColorDefault color of elements (Icons, text and arrows) in the side navigation menu.Colorimage-20200311134929640rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
SecHoverColorColor on all elements (text and arrow) when hovered over in the side navigation menu.Colorimage-20200316150943610rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
ShadowShadow of the top and side navigation menu.Shadowimage-202003161514210840 4px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.14), 0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
SidemenuBGColorDefault background color of the side navigation menuColorimage-20200311140206316#002850
SidemenuBGHoverColorBackground color on elements in the side navigation menu when hovered over.Colorimage-20200317082913255rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.8)
SidemenuExclusiveEnable or disable whether only one section can be open at a time. Other sections are automatically closed if enabled.ToggleIllustration not availableDisabled
SidemenuWidthDefines the width of the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-20200311140206316350px
SmallFontText size of small elements in the side navigation menu.Textimage-202003111417402238pt
SmallIndentPaddingPadding distance for small size elements in side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031111560568915px
SmallSidePaddingPadding distance for small text elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031114213988215px
SmallSizeHeight of small sized elements in the side navigation menu.Sizeimage-2020031112244776930px
SmallTBPaddingModifies the top and bottom padding of small menu elements.Size(We do not recommend changing this parameter)9px
TextColorPrimary text color used throughout Highstage (links are treated separately).Colorblack
TopmenuActiveColorColor of header element (Icon and text) when clicked.Colorimage-20200311143508214rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
TopmenuBGColorPrimary color of the top navigation menu.Color#002850
TopmenuBGHoverColorBackground color of element in top navigation menu when hovered.Colorimage-20200311143851151rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.8)
TopmenuColorColor of elements (Accent line, hamburger- and menu elements) in the top navigation menu.Colorimage-20200311145442273rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
TopmenuHoverColorColor of header element (accent line and icon) when hovered.Colorimage-20200311145133599rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
TransitionTransition effect on elements in the side-navigation menu.TransitionIllustration not availablebackground .2s,color .2s
ActionStepActiveColorAction Step Active Color is used for active step.ColorIllustration not availablergba(241,196,93,1)
ActionStepBounceColorAction Step Bounce Color is used for steps.ColorIllustration not available#811a1a
ActionStepNormalColorAction Step Normal Color is used for default step.ColorIllustration not available#385789
ActiveColorActive Color is used to show case active elements.ColorIllustration not available#bbbbbb
ColorDefaultDefault color is used to show case default elements.ColorIllustration not available#f6f6f6
ColorErrorError color is used to show case error elements.ColorIllustration not available#FF5A50
ColorInfoInfo color is used to show case Info elements.ColorIllustration not available#B4E1FF
ColorPrimaryPrimary color is used to show case primary elements.ColorIllustration not available#007fff
ColorSuccessSuccess color is used to show case success elements.ColorIllustration not available#82f0B4
ColorwarningWarning color is used to show case warning elements.ColorIllustration not available#FFE678
InactiveColorInactive color is used to show case inactive elements.ColorIllustration not available#28a745
SearchHeaderBGcolorBackground color of search header.ColorIllustration not available#F0F0F0
SearchResultHoverColorHover color of search result.ColorIllustration not availablergba(133,162,212,0.5)
FieldHoverColorHover color of the field.ColorIllustration not availablergba(133,162,212,0.5)
FormColumnGapSpace on form column.SpaceIllustration not available1rem
FormMinColumnWidthMinimum width on form column.SizeIllustration not available600px
FormTitleBackgroundColorBackground color of form title.ColorIllustration not available#E0E1E2
FormTitleColorColor used for form title.ColorIllustration not availablergba(0, 0, 0, 1)



Accepted parameter values

Highstage UI parameters make use of valid properties that belongs to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) standards as supported values.

Through CSS syntax there are many different ways that colors, sizes, fonts and effects can be defined. For each parameter, we simply take advantage of existing CSS properties and allows you to define it's value in any way you want - in accordance with CSS standards.


Here, you will find a list of the different types of parameters that can be used to control the visual appearance of Highstage. Similarly, we introduce you to the wide range of permitted values that can be used in the different parameter types:



The Color parameters in Highstage accepts all legal color values that are available in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) including Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA and predefined color names (red,green,blue etc.). Read more about available CSS colors on w3schools.

Color gradient transitions of two or more colors are also supported by the Color parameters. Read more about the available CSS gradients and syntax on w3schools.



The Icon parameters in Highstage accepts Solid and Regular styles of the icons made available by Font Awesome.

  1. Select any available Solid or Regular icon from the list of available icons.

  2. Click on the selected icon that you want to use in Highstage.

  3. Copy the text within the <i> </i> field:


  1. Paste the text (ex. fas fa-badge) into the parameter value field for the appropriate Icon parameter:


  1. Click Reset in the top navigation menu for the changes to take effect:

Note: In this example, we added a Badge icon to be the default icon for all links in the side navigation menu.



The Size parameters in Highstage are the height and width properties that can be used to set the height and width of specific elements in Highstage. The Size parameters accepts all legal size values that are available in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Read more about available size properties and values on w3schools.

Recommendation: We recommend that you define the height and width of elements in pixels (px) for a consistent and static layout throughout Highstage.



The Transition parameter enables you to add transition effects on the elements associated with the parameter.

This, for instance, enables you to configure a delay, transition or transformation of elements when they are clicked, hovered or activated.

For instance, the following snippet results in a transition where a change of background- and text color will occur over a span of 0.3 seconds:

Read more about the various CSS transitions on w3schools.



The Duration parameters accepts positive integer values that reflects time passed in milliseconds.



The Text parameters are the font sizes that are used throughout Highstage. The Text parameters accepts all legal font size units that are available in CSS (custom Style Sheets). Read more about the various ways that font sizes can be declared on MDN web docs.



A checkbox, allowing you to enable (✔️) or disable () a parameter.​



The Weight parameters sets how bold or thin characters in text elements in Highstage should be displayed. Read more about the various ways that Weight can be defined on w3schools.



A shadow parameter sets a shadow on an existing element. Read more about how shadows can be defined on MDN web docs.



Default UI

The combined list of default parameters from the available parameters will result in the following appearance of Highstage:




Quick customizations

Some instructions to get you started with basic UI customizations.


Changing the primary color

To change the primary used color of Highstage, you can set the Color of the DialogHeaderBGColor, SidemenuBGColor and TopmenuBGColor parameter to any single preferred color for a consistent look:


In this example, we have set DialogHeaderBGColor, SidemenuBGColor and TopmenuBGColor to the hex value of #0099cc.

Parameter nameDefault valueDescriptionTypeNew value
DialogHeaderBGColor#333C4DBackground Header of dialog.Color#0099cc
SidemenuBGColor#002850Default background color of the side navigation menu.Color#0099cc
TopmenuBGColor#002850Primary color of the top navigation menu.Color#0099cc

