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Advanced built-in parameters not found in ts_parameter table


This article introduces you to the available parameters which can be set in the schema file or in the web.config file.



Parameters defines Highstage behavior. Parameters may exist in ts_parameter sql table, in schema file and in web.config file.

If parameter has been defined more than one place, the priority is:

  1. Web-config

  2. Ts_parameters table

  3. Schema file

Thus parameters defined in web.config overrules other definitions of the same parameter.

Parameters may be set in schema file at schema top-level using the following syntax:


Parameters may be set in web.config in <appSettings>:


If TS_webApp has been mounted more than once, then parameters in web.config may be set differently for different sub-applications by prefixing parameter name with sub-application name:


The following is a list of supported/built-in parameters not defined in ts_parameter table. They must be set in schema file or in web.config file.


Official support

Officially supported parameters (✔️) are parameters that are fully supported in Highstage. We provide support and continuous maintenance for the use of these parameters throughout Highstage.

Not officially supported parameters (❌) are parameters that are not formally supported by Highstage. These parameters are available for use at your own risk.



NameDefault valueDescriptionOfficially supported
AllowMailToInitiator0Allows for mails to be sent to users who initiated the mail to be sent from Highstage.

Disabled (Default): <parameter name="AllowMailToInitiator" value="0" />
Enabled: <parameter name="AllowMailToInitiator" value="1" />
AllowDevicePartReference0Allow creating references from Device to Part. Normally the MasterPart column at Device specifies is used to specify Device design. However, some organizations may require to be able to add more references from Device to Parts. To allow references from Device to Part add the following schema line.

<parameter name="AllowDevicePartReference" value="1" />
AllowSingleRevisionObsolete0Allows obsoleting a single revision of an item without obsoleting an entire item with all of it's revisions.

Disable (default): <parameter name="AllowSingleRevisionObsolete" value="0">
Enable: <parameter name="AllowSingleRevisionObsolete" value="1">
AllowSingleRevisionMoveWorkspace0Sample, allow moving single revision of item to another workspace:

<parameter name="AllowSingleRevisionMoveWorkspace" value="1" />
AllowVirtualColumnsWithSqlSelectInMails0Allows for the utilization of virtual columns (must include an underlying <sqlselect> element within the virtual column definition) in email notification templates.✔️
AsposeRefineSubtypes-Enable Aspose refine. Observe that to use this feature the properties.aspx has to be migrated. Sample exists in documentation/samples. To activate on specific subtypes set the parameter AsposeRefineSubtypes to a semicolon separated list of subtypes:
<parameter name="AsposeRefineSubtypes" value="RS;TS;TR" />
, or * for all subtypes.
<parameter name="AsposeRefineSubtypes" value="*" />
AsposeFontPath-Enables a different source for the fonts used by Aspose refine. It should be pointing to the local path of the folder.

<parameter name="AsposeFontPath" value="e:\highstage\fonts\" />
CrawlSearchType-Types to search by default. Both basetypes and subtypes can be used. Grid, filter and other options may be specified by adding search URL parameters. Sample searching doc default grid for latest approved documents, and including columns 'predecessor' and '' (comma is used as separator):

The columns included can also be virtual.
ColumnDetailsMinimumUserLevelAdminReadusers with a minimum set userlevel can click on column titles and access details around the column definition.

<parameter name="ColumnDetailsMinimumUserLevel" value="user" /> will make column details available to all users with a set minimum userlevel of user. Permitted values includes user, advanceduser, superuser, adminread, adminwrite.
ColumnValueTitleEdit0Sample, use title instead of value when editing columns with value/title definitions (ex. FolderType column).
<parameter name="ColumnValueTitleEdit" value="1" />
DefaultPath-Relative path to default web page. To remove the menu, use the following:
<parameter name="DefaultPath" value="~/ts/main/main.aspx" />
DisableActionClosedConstraint0Sample, allow closing parent action even if child actions are not closed.:
<parameter name="DisableActionClosedConstraint" value="1" />
DisableForeignReferencesSqlselectReplace0When using foreign-references over three levels (eg. workspace.manager.mail), the SQL-query will be generated with a [.] reference that cannot be resolved.
Enabling this parameter prevents that.

Sample for enabling parameter:
<parameter name="DisableForeignReferencesSqlselectReplace" value="1" />
DisableGridContentAutoHide0Enable to display Search, Scope, Grid and Filter capabilities for search pages displaying referenced items.
parameter name="DisableGridContentAutoHide" value="1" />
DisablePlusMinusOnColumnWrite0Disables the capability of being able to add / remove values from a column with lists by using +value / -value.
parameter="DisalbePlusMinusOnColumnWrite" value="1" />
DisableRefineBackupDeletion0Disables the automated deletion of backed-up files (Refined Word, Excel, Visio and Powerpoint documents) when Documents reaches the Approved status.
Enabled: <parameter name="DisableRefineBackupDeletion" value="1" />

Read more about automated backup of Office files here.
DisableColumnDataValidation1Disable server-side Data validation on fields:
<parameter name="DisableColumnDataValidation" value="1" />
DisableMailImportNotification0Disable automated email notifications to be sent to resources whenever a new email is automatically added to an existing item in Highstage.✔️
DisableMsWebDavFix0Microsoft WebDAV implementation have had many problems, and have also changed behavior. MS WebDAV client requires access to all ancestor folders in order to be able to access leaf folder that the user has permission to. This has been solved by everyone having read attributes permissions on all folders. The following sample shoes how to disable this, but disabling will give problems for users using MS WebDAV client:

<parameter name="DisableMsWebDavFix" value="1" />
DisableRefSecurity0By default user will only see references that the users has access to, the reference search grid will include an indication if references exists that the user does not have access to. To enable the user to see all references set this parameter. The user will still not have access to files, and of cause the user will only to be able to see references is user has access to parent:
<parameter name="DisableRefSecurity" value="1" />
DisableUpdateSecurityCheck0When updating column values a security check is always done. To temporary disable this check, set the parameter:
<parameter name="DisableUpdateSecurityCheck" value="1" />
ExpandRefSubSections0Reference section on item web page will always be expanded if any references exists. This sample makes reference section expand always, even if no references:
<parameter name="ExpandRefSubSections" value="1" />
FieldEditSearchFocus0Sample, causing focus to be set to search instead of editing if edit popup contains searchable list:
<parameter name="FieldEditSearchFocus" value="1" />
FolderFileLinks1Sample, disabling links to file in folder file list, forcing user to open folder to be able to open file:
<parameter name="FolderFileLinks" value="1" />
FolderLock0Folder enables author to exclude other authors from writing in folder/files, so that author can perform a “transaction” that will not be corrupted by other authors writing during the transaction.
Sample for enabling folder lock:
<parameter name="FolderLock" value="1" />
FolderSecurityCheckSet0In a few infrastructures NTFS permissions (ACL) have been lost or changed, seems like an infrastructure problem that has been fluctuating in a few (2) installations.
The following sample enables thorough check/set of item folder and subfolders/files security, however with performance penalty:
<parameter name="FolderSecurityCheckSet" value="1" />
FolderSubfolderInfo0Sample, enabling display of subfolder size, at a significant performance penalty depending on number of subfolders/files:
<parameter name="FolderSubfolderInfo" value="1" />
ForeingTypesIncludedInMailN/AInclude any number of foreign types to make associated columns available in email notification templates.

Sample: Include workspace or subtype related columns in an associated email notification template: <parameter name="ForeignTypesIncludedInMail" value="workspace;subtype" />.
FormTitleVariant0Sample, use simple form titles:
<parameter name="FormTitleVariant" value="1" />
GridColumnFilterSelect1Enable button in grid header for selecting value:
<parameter name="GridColumnFilterSelect" value="1" />
GridRefExplorer1Disable references section on search grids
<parameter name="GridRefExplorer" value="1" />
HttpClientProtocoltls12Enforces the version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol used when making Http requests.

Available configurations (values separated by / are mutually valid and permitted) :
<parameter name="HttpClientProtocol" value="tls12 / tls1.2" />
<parameter name="HttpClientProtocol" value="tls11 / tls1.1" />
<parameter name="HttpClientProtocol" value="ssl / ssl3" />
<parameter name="HttpClientProtocol" value="tls / tls10 / tls1.0" />
IeAutoFolderType0Default folder type in highstage is webdav. If users is using Internet Explorer as browser the default folder type may be set to MsNetworkFolder (SIFS protocol) by setting the following parameter value:
<parameter name="IeAutoFolderType" value="5" />
KeyColumnCharWhiteListABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789KeyColumnCharWhiteList) controls which characters that are allowed for key columns. Some key columns must be consistent cross-systems, and common policies should be applied. Also some key columns are used in file system, invalid file system characters are not allowed as key column characters (’<’, ’>’, ’\’, ’/’ etc.), and also some words (LPT1, COM1 etc), these characters and words are not allowed for key columns:

Sample, allowing lower case characters and underscore character:
<parameter name="KeyColumnCharWhiteList"
value="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" />
LdapSecure0Enables the Ldap Secure protocol (LDAPS) for communication with LDAP server (AD).✔️
LdapSecureAuthMode0LdapSecureAuthMode: Enable signing authentication when LdapSecure is enabled (Official reference documentation).✔️
LogicalOperatorWords0Sample, enable depreciated Boolean operators in searches
<parameter name="LogicalOperatorWords" value="1" />
LogLdapReplicationOK0Sample, enable LdapReplicate ok status to be written to eventlog, with log size penalty:
<parameter name="LogLdapReplicationOK" value="1" />
MandatoryAcceptDefault0If enabled, default values on columns will be considered a valid value when used as a mandatory field.
By default, MandatoryAcceptDefault is disabled, and thus, default values in columns will not be considered valid when used as a mandatory field.

Sample for enabling parameter: <parameter name="MandatoryAcceptDefault" value="1" />
MinorChangeTraceability0If enabled, making a minor change to an item will create a new separate revision of the associated item.

Sample for enabling parameter: <parameter name="MinorChangeTraceability" value="1" />

⚠️ Warning: Do not enable before all ongoing minor changes are fully resolved and approved.
NoAccessRedirect-If user does not have access to one or more references then a link is provided to user if this parameter has been set. The link destination page is a relative path, relative to web application root, to a custom page located in tweak folder. The custom page can give user support for getting access to the relevant information, for example by sending mail to relevant personal.

Sample redirecting to tweak/NoAccessRedirect.aspx:
<parameter name="NoAccessRedirect" value="tweak/NoAccessRedirect.aspx" />
OpenCmdBehavior-Method for opening files with &open command.

Sample, using ITHit for opening files:
<parameter name="OpenCmdBehavior" value="ithit"/>

Sample, using classic redirect which works best in IE. Other browsers will download file:
<parameter name="OpenCmdBehavior" value="redirect"/>

Sample, using preview for opening PDF files in a browser:
<parameter name="OpenCmdBehavior" value="preview"/>
PreviewLinkTarget_topSets/adds the specified target attribute on all <a> elements within the preview contents to specify where to open the link.

blankOpens the linked document in a new window or tab
selfOpens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default)
parentOpens the linked document in the parent frame
topOpens the linked document in the full body of the window
framenameOpens the linked document in the named iframe

The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Read the official documentation about the target attribute here.
PreviewLinkTargetBase_parentSets/adds the specified target attribute on the <head> element within the preview contents to specify a target attribute for all links.

blankOpens the linked document in a new window or tab
selfOpens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default)
parentOpens the linked document in the parent frame
topOpens the linked document in the full body of the window
framenameOpens the linked document in the named iframe

The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Read the official documentation about the target attribute here.
ReadOnlyAlerts0Sample, enable warning to user if file link is read-only:
<parameter name="ReadOnlyAlerts" value="1" />
RefineOnCreate0Sample, enabling refine on item create:
<parameter name="RefineOnCreate" value="1" />
RefineryLoadVirtualColumns0Sets virtual columns so that they are also loaded (in addition to physical columns) in refinery.
Risk is exceptions in virtual column sqlselect sub-queries

Sample for enabling load of virtual columns on refine:
<parameter name="RefineryLoadVirtualColumns" value="1" />
ReplaceUrl1Sample, disable update of browser URL address:
<parameter name="ReplaceUrl" value="0" />
ReportFolderFeatureException0For reporting folder view exception for trouble shooting the parameter ReportFolderFeatureException can be set:
<parameter name="ReportFolderFeatureException" value="1"/>
ServerEmailAddressEnforcement0Sample, enforcing that all emails with server email address as sender:
<parameter name="ServerEmailAddressEnforcement" value="1" />

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