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Create new user group in Highstage

Create new user group in HighstageBackgroundProcedureFrequently Asked QuestionsWhere can I make changes to existing user groups?Can I make a new user group with a name that already exists in Highstage?


This article introduces Highstage administrators to the process of creating new Highstage user groups - directly from Highstage.



The following steps allows for you to create new user groups and add existing Highstage users and/or groups to those groups, directly from Highstage:


  1. Set your user level to AdminRead or AdminWrite to get access to SYSTEM in the side navigation menu:


  1. Navigate to SYSTEM > Roles and click New group:


This will open the New group page:


  1. Fill out the form with appropriate user group information:
*UserGroup*Name of user group.

The user group name must not already exist as a group in Highstage, and cannot be changed later
*Members*Specify which existing users and/or user groups that should be added to this new group. Any number of users and user groups can be added.✔️Members of a group can always be updated later.
*MemberOf*specify which existing user group(s) that the newly created group should be added to.✔️The newly created group must be added as a member of an existing Highstage user group, as group permissions are inherited from existing user groups.
*Active*Toggles whether the newly created user should be active when created.

An inactive user cannot access Highstage
  1. When all required fields are filled out, click Create to create the new group with the added users and user groups as members.
  2. You have successfully created a new Highstage user group. This group is not a member of an existing Highstage group, and has a number of associated users and user groups.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I make changes to existing user groups?

  1. Set your user level as AdminRead / AdminWrite.
  2. Navigate to SYSTEM > Roles and click UserGroups in the side navigation menu.

From here, you get an overview of the existing Highstage user groups, which can be updated.


Can I make a new user group with a name that already exists in Highstage?

No. When you click Create and the specified group name is already associated with an existing Highstage user group, you will be prompted to change the name to something else.

