Document numberRevision


How to add fonts to Highstage

How to add fonts to HighstageBackgroundResolve


This article introduces you to the process of adding custom fonts to Highstage and serves as a resolve to the following Highstage error message:

The error occurs when Highstage refines a file with a font that is not defined in Highstage.



  1. In the appropriate Office file (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.), identify the fonts used.
  2. Download the font files *(.tff file format).

Tip Common fonts can be found and downloaded directly from

  1. Navigate to the tweak folder in your Highstage installation and create a new fonts folder.
  2. Place the downloaded fonts inside the fonts folder.
  1. Add the following snippet to your custom.schema.xml located in the tweak folder:
  1. Replace PATH with the full directory to the fonts folder (ex. C:\Highstage\Turbostage\TS_Webapp\tweak\fonts).
  1. Save the custom.schema.xml
  2. Reset Highstage for all changes to take effect.
Success: You have succesfully added custom fonts to be used for refine processes in Highstage.


