Document numberRevision

Highstage Client Requirements and Recommendations


This document describes requirements and recommendations to Highstage client hardware and standard software that the Highstage application depends on.



This document is used by Highstage customers and Highstage personal.



Below are our recommendations for a Highstage client machine configuration.

The client machine will be able to run Highstage as client in configurations that don’t comply with these requirement, but this is the official recommendation for a client setup.

Some Highstage functionality does require software not bundled together with Highstage, this software is specified in Software sections. This software might require other hardware specification than Highstage.


1CPU2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86-bit or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set.
2RAM3 gigabytes (GB) RAM (64-bit)
3Storage60 GB available Storage
4Operating SystemWindows-Pc: Windows 8/10/11
Linux-pc: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Mac: OSX 10.7
5Network SpeedDownload: 10 Mbit
Upload: 10Mbit
6Screen resolutionMin. 1280 x 720
7SoftwareMicrosoft Office: 2016, 2019, Microsoft 365
Adobe PDF reader
Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox 90 or later; Apple Safari 10; or Google Chrome 95, or Microsoft Edge 95.

Note: Only one of the web-browsers need to be installed in order for the client to run Highstage

