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Runtime variables - Reference sheet


In this article, you will be introduced to the available Runtime variables that is accessible and usable throughout Highstage.


Introduction to Runtime variables

Runtime variables is a feature in the Highstage foundation which enable dynamic retrieval of data from a related column for any currently accessed item in Highstage. They allow for the Highstage administrator or developer to create dynamic layout and content without coding.



The following Runtime variables are generally available throughout Highstage.

Runtime variableDescriptionSampleOutput example
oReturns the current object (item ID).@[o]EXP12345-1
viewasReturns the user ID of the selected user in ViewAs.
If no user is specified in ViewAs, the default return is the active user.
personReturns the user ID of the selected user in ViewAs.
If no user is specified in ViewAs, the default return is the active user.
userReturns the user ID of the active user.@[user]ST
useridReturns the user ID of the active user.@[userid]ST
dateReturns the current date@[date]2019-12-17
tReturns the item type@[t]part
typeReturns the item type@[type]doc
valueReturns column value@[value] 


Column (data)

Data runtime variables is a kind of runtime variables which allow the creator to query data form the already used item.

A Data runtime variable can be defined in the following manner, by replacing RUNTIMEVARIABLE with an appropriate physical column available from items in Highstage:


Available columns

You can find the available physical columns to be used as Data Runtime Variables in the following manner:

  1. Navigate to SYSTEM > SCHEMA > TYPES in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click to expand any of the available basetypes in the list (ex. action, doc, part).

From here, you can use the name of any of the available physical columns as Data Runtime Variables. Doing so will return the value of the column from the current item that is accessed.

Notice! Virtual columns are not supported to be used as Data Runtime Variables. Ensure that that value 0 is displayed in the virtual row.


Columns for specific items

You can also find all available Data Runtime variables for a specific item in the following manner:

  1. Navigate to any item in Highstage.
  2. Click on Default in the properties section and select raw.

This will show all available columns associated with the current item where each of the column names can be used as Data Runtime variables.

Notice! Notice that the list also includes all available virtual columns which cannot be used as runtime variables. Click on the name of a column and ensure that virtual="1" is not shown in the XML area.


Examples of Data Runtime variables

Runtime variableDescriptionSampleOutput example
aliasReturns the value for the Alias column for the current item@[data:alias]string
editbyReturns the user ID of the authors for the current item.@[data:editby]ST;PD;DHP
ItemTypeReturns the Subtype for the current item.@[data:itemtype]ASM



Parameter runtime variables enables dynamic retrieval of any value associated with a Highstage parameter.

A Parameter runtime variable can be defined in the following manner, by replacing RUNTIMEVARIABLE with any available Highstage parameter:


Available columns

You can find all available parameters to be used as runtime variables by navigating to SYSTEM > PARAMETERS > All Parameters in the side navigation menu as an administrator.

Here, you find a list of all available parameters in Highstage, which can be used as runtime variables.



User runtime variables enable dynamic retrieval of any user related column in Highstage.

A User runtime variable can be defined in the following manner, by replacing RUNTIMEVARIABLE with any user related column in Highstage:


Available columns

You can find all available parameters to be used as user runtime variables in the following manner:

  1. As an administrator, navigate to SYSTEM > ROLES > Users in the side navigation menu. Here, you find a list of all users in Highstage.
  2. Click on Options to expand the column options for all users.
  3. Click on Design to modify which columns are displayed in the list.
  4. Type in +* Columns and click Apply Design to display all available user columns.

From here, you can use any of the column names in the result list as a valid User runtime variable.


Examples of User runtime variables

Runtime variableDescriptionSampleSample output
NameName of user@[user:name]John Doe
LogonDateTimeLast login date@[user:LogonDateTime]23.12.2019



Notice! Runtime variables associated with Workspaces are available from Version 8 of Highstage.


Workspace runtime variables enables dynamic retrieval of any workspace related column in Highstage.

A Workspace runtime variable can be defined in the following manner, by replacing RUNTIMEVARIABLE with any user related column in Highstage:


Available columns

You can find all available parameters to be used as workspace runtime variables in the following manner:

  1. As an administrator, navigate to SYSTEM > Workspaces in the side navigation menu. Here, you find a list of all workspaces in Highstage.
  2. Click on Options to expand the column options for all workspaces.
  3. Click on Design to modify which columns are displayed in the list.
  4. Type in +* Columns and click Apply Design to display all available workspace columns.

From here, you can use any of the column names in the result list as a valid Workspace runtime variable.


Examples of Workspace runtime variables

Runtime variableDescriptionSampleSample output
NameWorkspace name@[workspace:name]Development
ManagerWorkspace manager@[workspace:manager]Highstage user



Notice! Runtime variables associated with Subtypes are available from Version 8 of Highstage.


Subtype runtime variables enables dynamic retrieval of any subtype related column in Highstage.

A Subtype runtime variable can be defined in the following manner, by replacing RUNTIMEVARIABLE with any user related column in Highstage:


Available columns

You can find all available parameters to be used as subtype runtime variables in the following manner:

  1. As an administrator, navigate to SYSTEM > TYPES > Subtypes in the side navigation menu. Here, you find a list of all subtypes in Highstage.
  2. Click on Options to expand the column options for all subtypes.
  3. Click on Design to modify which columns are displayed in the list.
  4. Type in +* Columns and click Apply Design to display all available subtype columns.

From here, you can use any of the column names in the result list as a valid Subtype runtime variable.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my runtime variable not get loaded?

For any column that you specify as a runtime variable, which is not actively used in the current view, will not be loaded and therefore not displayed. In this instance, you need to ad the column as a dependency on the associated <type> element.

The following example illustrates how you create a dependency to a column (objtype):

From this example, the following runtime variable can be used - as the objtype column is loaded:


What is the current runtime variable support in Highstage?

Currently, there is a limited support for runtime variables throughout Highstage, as it is a recently introduced feature. For this reason, we cannot guarantee full support for runtime variables throughout Highstage.


Can I use virtual columns as runtime variables?

Unfortunately no. Only physical columns can be used as runtime variables throughout Highstage.