Document number | Revision |
DOCU12262 | 1 |
Clone - User GuideBackgroundAvailable clone variationsProcedureUse'CLONE' to make a copy of an existing itemUse 'CLONE From New' to make a copy of an existing item
This article introduces you to the use of CLONE and CLONE From New to make new copies of existing items with associated properties, references and files.
There are two distinct Clone buttons that can be enabled in Highstage: CLONE and CLONE From New.
CLONE allows you to copy the item including:
CLONE From Item allows you to copy the item including:
Not all properties are copied to the new item when an existing item is cloned. For more information about which specific properties are copied, please consult your Highstage administrator.
1) Navigate to any item in Highstage:
2) To make Clone available, select any user level of either AdvancedUser,SuperUser, AdminRead or AdminWrite:
3) Navigate to Options
and click on CLONE to make a copy of the current item:
4) Click OK, confirming that all files are closed before cloning the current item.
A new tab in your browser will open, allowing you to create a new item:
Notice that the Type, Workspace and Description is the same as the item that you are currently cloning.
5) Click Create.
The new item is now created. The newly created item has a new unique item ID but has copied the properties, references and files from the existing item:
The availability of 'Clone' depends on your Highstage installation and can be included or excluded for separate item basetypes. For information about where Clone is available and which properties are copied over, please consult your Highstage administrator.
1) Navigate to any item in Highstage:
2) To make Clone from new available, select any user level of either AdvancedUser,SuperUser, AdminRead or AdminWrite:
3) Navigate to Options
and click on CLONE On New to make a copy of the current item:
4) Click OK, confirming that all files are closed before cloning the current item.
A new tab in your browser will open, allowing you to create a new item:
Notice that the Type, Workspace and Description is the same as the item that you are currently cloning.
5) Click Create.
The new item is now created. The newly created item has a new unique item ID but has copied the properties and references from the existing item. Notice that the folder items are not from the cloned item, but are files from the subtype template:
The availability of 'Clone From New' depends on your Highstage installation and can be included or excluded for separate item basetypes. For information about where Clone From New is available and which properties are copied over, please consult your Highstage administrator.