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Using Comments in Highstage

Using Comments in HighstageIntroductionSubmit commentsModify and delete comments


Using the Comments feature allows for you to add, modify and delete comments from items in Highstage.

Similarly, when new comments are added to an item, associated users to the item is notified by email.

To find out which users receive email notifications when new comments are submitted on an item, please contact your Highstage administrator.


The Comments window can be accessed by navigating to any item view in Highstage:



Submit comments

To submit a comment, simply click Add or press ENTER on your keyboard. A confirmation is prompted, so that the comment can be confirmed or cancelled before being submitted.

By pressing SHIFT+ENTER whilst writing a comment, you can skip to the next line in the comment.


Modify and delete comments

You can modify or delete comments where you are the author of the comment. To to do, simply click on the submitted comment and make the changes. If all text in a comment is removed, the comment is deleted.

Once your changes are made, click OK or hit ENTER on your keyboard. Changes does not prompt a confirmation.

If a comment is modified, the comment will be visually marked as Edited in the appropriate Comments field.

