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Export (User Guide)

Export (User Guide)BackgroundIntroductionExport interfaceExport propertiesExport profilesFolder settingsInclude/Exclude subtypes and extensionsSave selection settingsStatic file listItem selectionData columnsFile listProcedureExported items and file content


This article introduces you to the advanced capabilities of exporting item lists, properties and files from Highstage.

Here you will learn:



Using the Export feature allows you to export the structure, data, and files from items into folders, ready for external use outside of Highstage.

You can use Export from any item in Highstage by navigating to Options > Advanced > Export (export documentation):


Note! Export* requires one of the following user levels to be accessible: AdvancedUSer SuperUser AdminRead AdminWrite.


Clicking Export will treat the current item as the Parent item and show all referenced items as children items, also available for export:



The list of available items for export is all referenced items to the parent item, from which you clicked Export. This makes it easy to export, for instance, a BOM (Bill Of Materials) of all parts and documents associated with a product.


Export interface

Clicking Export presents you with various settings and the full list of items, files and properties available for export:


Export properties

Export properties provides you with a brief overview of the current Export status.

From here, you are presented with the following export properties:


Export profiles

An Export profile allows for you to select a pre-configured export profile. This profile can contribute with the following preconfigured settings:

0Select/deselect individual items and individual files for export
1Selecting/deselecting a parent item also selects/deselects the associated files and the children item and files. Selecting/deselecting a child item also selects/deselects the parent items and files.
2Selecting/deselecting parent items also selects/deselects children items and files.
3Selecting/deselecting children items also selects/deselects the parent items and files.




For more information about your available Export Profiles and it's configuration, please contact your Highstage administrator.


Folder settings

The Folder settings has two available drop down menus:


Include/Exclude subtypes and extensions

These settings makes it possible to easily select and deselect items and files of certain subtypes and extensions.

From these settings, you can:

All available subtypes and file extensions from the listed items and files are automatically listed here for easy 'bulk' selection.


Save selection settings

A user with a specific user level can access and save an explicit selection of items and files by clicking Save settings. This saves the current selection of items and files for export.

When users with lower user level selects the specific export profile where the selection was saved, these pre-selected items and files are selected by default.

The pre-selection can be reset by clicking Reset Settings*.


Static file list

A static file list, is a list of items and files that has been configured to be part of the available export items for a specific Export Profile. These static files are used as a supplement for the export profile and can consist of any items (parts, documents etc.) which is related to the export profile.

These static files can, for instance, contain instructions or descriptions for external stakeholders regarding the exported selection of items and files.


For any information regarding static files for your available export profiles, please contact your Highstage administrator.


Item selection

The Item selection column contains the full list of items available for export. In this column, you can visualize the full 'tree-view' of parent items and referenced child items.

It is in this column that you manually select and deselect items for export.

Notice! Take note that each export profile can have different selection behaviors . Read more about the available selection behaviors here.


Data columns

The data columns provides you with an overview of item properties for the items available for export.


It is important to note, that the listed item properties are not necessarily the properties that are exported. For any questions regarding which item properties are exported for a specific Export profile, please contact your Highstage administrator.


File list

The file list column contains the full list of files that are associated with each item. Here, you can select or deselect available files associated with an item to be included in the export.

Notice! Take note that each export profile can have different selection behaviors . Read more about the available selection behaviors here.



This process describes the procedure of exporting items and files from Highstage.


  1. Navigate to any item in Highstage:



  1. Ensure that you have the required user level enabled to gain access to the Advanced options. Export is available for AdvancedUser, SuperUser, AdminRead and AdminWrite level users:



  1. Clicking Advanced>Export (export documentation) opens the Export feature in a new tab in your browser:



  1. As a standard, the default export profile is selected. Select an appropriate Export profile and files and items from the item list view to be exported:



  1. Clicking Export in the top right corner, will export the selected items and files.

A confirmation will be prompted. Clicking OK will export the selected items and files. Once completed, a link for download is made available in the export window:



  1. The files are placed in the folder of the item, from where you accessed the Export feature:



Exported items and file content

Depending on the configuration of the Export Profiles, a number of files are exported:



By default, a folder containing all exported files are outputted.

In addition, a number of additional .html, .pdf and .xlsx files containing the list of items and item properties can be outputted.


From our example, the exported .PDF contains the following item properties:


Similarly, the exported .xlsx contains the following item properties:



Notice ! The item properties, file names and file types of the exported files are all dependent on the configuration of the used Export profile. For any questions regarding the outputted files and their content, please consult your Highstage administrator.


