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Frequently Asked Questions (Administrator)

Frequently Asked Questions (Administrator)Why does user not have access to web site?How can auto FolderType be set to MS Network for users running Windows/IE?How do we make FolderType and FolderView visible to basic users?How can we set default FolderView to list+autofolder?How to convert to Unicode UTF-8 encoding?How to avoid linked server and performance penalty by linked server?How make authentication work for local (on server) requests to website?Some file types are not accessible through http, how do we allow download of specific file types?To satisfy regulatory requirements, how do we restrict document search to latest approved version only?How do we remove the ftp value from FolderType values?When running HS/TS fusion, how do we redirect action/ document/ part links to Highstage?How can crawl search be called with parameter to specify specific types to be searched?How to change color theme?How do I set different schema variants for different servers?Why does the new generation (TurboStage) show slower execution time on web pages?Why will large files not upload to server through WebDAV ?


Why does user not have access to web site?

Refer to trouble shooting section in Active Directory (Ldap) usergroup and user replication.


How can auto FolderType be set to MS Network for users running Windows/IE?

This can be done by setting the parameter IeAutoFolderType in web.config file. The parameter must be set to the numeric equivalent of the desired folder type:


How do we make FolderType and FolderView visible to basic users?

By default these fields are just available to advanced users. To make them visible to basic users include the following schema xml snippet:


How can we set default FolderView to list+autofolder?

By setting column FolderView default value to ‘1’. Include the following schema xml snippet and run the page System/Schema/Apply.aspx:

Also existing users must have FolderView column set to ‘1’ either through web interface or by sql update: UPDATE ts_role SET FolderView=1


How to convert to Unicode UTF-8 encoding?

web.config must have:

Convert database column from varchar to nvarchar in both database and schema.


How to avoid linked server and performance penalty by linked server?

Create a new connection string in web.config, in the following sample it has the name finance:

Use the connection attribute on the type (s) you want to use the new connection:


How make authentication work for local (on server) requests to website?

Symptom is when you use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or a custom host header to browse a local Web site that is hosted on a computer that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1 or a later version, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:

HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed

This issue occurs when the Web site uses Integrated Authentication and has a name that is mapped to the local loopback address.

Note! You only receive this error message if you try to browse the Web site directly on the server. If you browse the Web site from a client computer, the Web site works as expected.


Microsoft provides the following solution:;en-us;896861


Here is a short version of the recommended setup:

Step 1: Set the DisableStrictNameChecking registry entry to 1.

  1. Start Registry Editor.
  2. Locate and click the following key in the registry:


  1. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:

Value name: DisableStrictNameChecking

Data type: REG_DWORD

Radix: Decimal

Value: 1


Step 2: Specify host names

  1. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:


  1. Right-click MSV1_0, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
  2. Type BackConnectionHostNames, and then press ENTER.
  3. Right-click BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
  4. In the Value data box, type the host name or the host names for the sites that are on the local computer, and then click OK.
  5. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the IISAdmin service.


For Windows 2003 servers also consult this page:


Some file types are not accessible through http, how do we allow download of specific file types?

By default web server allows download of a number of file types. To allow a new file type to be downloaded a MIME type must be setup at the web server. The following IIS7 web.config sample shows how to enable FreeMind file type:


To satisfy regulatory requirements, how do we restrict document search to latest approved version only?

By including the following schema snippet:


How do we remove the ftp value from FolderType values?

By including the following schema snippet:


When running HS/TS fusion, how do we redirect action/ document/ part links to Highstage?

Search should be done in TS but the actual viewing and work on an item will be done in HS. Include the following schema snippet:


How can crawl search be called with parameter to specify specific types to be searched?

Sample 1:

This sample URL searches documents and parts for the text “test”:



Sample 2:

This sample URL searches document raw grid for the text “test”. It is important that ’&’ char is URL escaped to %26, .NET contains support for URL escaping, it is important that only parameters are URL escaped and not the entire URL:



How to change color theme?

Three different base colors themes are provided:

  1. ts/css/black.css
  2. ts/css/gray.css
  3. ts/css/white.css

Default color theme is ts/css/white. To change color theme put one of the following schema snippet lines in custom.schema.xml:


If you have different servers with different colors but wants to use the same custom.schema.xml file for all servers, you may use a parameter defined in web.config file:



A different approach is to use the SchemaFile parameter to set different schema variants for different servers.


How do I set different schema variants for different servers?

Suppose you have a “production” server and a test server. You want to use same schema except for small variants on the test server.

On the test server you may specify a different schema file for example testserver.schema.xml which includes the custom.schema.xml file. After the include you may make changes to the schema that only applies to test server, in this sample we change color theme to black:


Why does the new generation (TurboStage) show slower execution time on web pages?

Basically the following reasons:

  1. More information is retrieved; it may be folder file count or linked data like references etc.
  2. A generic flexible design (in opposition to hard coded).
  3. Enhanced security (as always security will cost performance).

You may improve execution time by removing information from web pages. But this is probably not what your customers (users) want. For example to remove display of references in linked data section use the following schema snippet:

Still the system is pretty fast. Except for more information retrieved from SQL server the Web Server is now more loaded, but the web server is relatively easy to scale in opposition to a real-time SQL server which will for sure be the main bottleneck even in the future.


Why will large files not upload to server through WebDAV ?

In IIS/ASP.NET WebDAV server you must specify the file maximum upload size in web.config of your web application. By default maximum upload size is set to 4096 KB (4 MB) by ASP.NET. To increase the upload limit add appropriate section to your web.config file and specify the limit.

In case of IIS 7.x, both Integrated and Classic mode:

In case of IIS 6.0:

The maximum file upload size for both ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 4.0 is 2097151Kb = 2Gb.
