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Web.configBackground<connectionStrings> section<appSettings> section


This article introduces code samples for <connectionStrings> and <appSettings> section.


<connectionStrings> section

Using hard coded database name:


Using application name as database name:


The <connectionStrings> section may be encrypted by clicking the Web.config protection link found in System>security menu.


<appSettings> section

In the web.config file <appSettings> section it is possible to overrule parameters found in parameter table.

The following sample will set the mail parameter for all applications:


The following sample will set the mail parameter for the Test application only:


When listing system parameters in TurboStage the parameter value from the table will be shown in addition to the actual running value from web.config application that overrules the table parameter.

Parameters will be listed in the following way:

Mail1 (Running value: 0)


The Application name may be used as parameter:


Available parameters:

ApplicationNameName of application (or website). In a hosting environment it may be important that the name is unique to enable different web.config for different applications (or websites).
<parameter name>Already loaded parameters

