Document number | Revision |
DOCU13184 | 1 |
Searching in HighstageIntroductionGlobal searchHow to use global searchSearching in filesSupported syntax and operations (global)Advanced examplesType searchHow to use type searchSearching in filesSupported syntax and operations (type)GuidesSelecting a gridSelecting a filterFiltered searchHow to use filtered searchSupported syntax and operations (filter)Advanced examplesSearching in datetime data columnsContainsExact matchConsiderationsWindows Search Limitations
No matter what you are looking for, the sophisticated search capabilities in Highstage ensure that you will find what you need. Create broad queries to browse or use special symbols and operations to narrow the focus of your search.
This article outlines the available and supported search syntax and capabilities as made available in Highstage.
For information on more advanced search options allowing for you to design and customize search pages even further, please refer to our Advanced search in Highstage.
A global search enables you to search for general content that is available in Highstage. Searching globally will show results of various types of contents and can be used with great utility when looking for general information.
To create a global search query in Highstage:
Click the search field in the top header of Highstage.
Type your query using our supported syntax and operations.
Click Search
or hit Enter to search.
Results will be included in separate expandable sections corresponding to their appropriate type:
Notice: The list of displayed sections and results will vary depending on your configuration of Highstage, available modules, and enforced security permissions.
You can also use the global search to search for files, file types, and file contents stored in Highstage.
To search for files, file types, and file contents:
Click the search field in the top header of Highstage.
Select file content
in the available drop down menu.
Type your query using our supported syntax and operations.
Click Search
or hit Enter to search.
Results will be displayed in separate expandable sections where a File hits section will list the files matching your search:
Note: The File hits section will read Found in other revision(s) if the search matches files that exists in another revision of that item. Click on Revisions to view all revisions of an item.
The following syntax and operations are available in the global and/or type search:
Operator | Description | Example |
Space (' ') | Separate words by a blank space (Space) to search for multiple words. | product released finds results containing both 'product' and 'released'. |
Minus (-) (!) | Put a minus sign (-) or exclamation mark (!) directly in front of words that you want to omit from your search. | product -resistor finds results containing 'product' but not 'resistor'. |
Double quotes ("") | Surround your search word or phrase, including special characters such as less than (<), larger than (>), or equals to (=), within double quotes (" ") to find results where those exact characters, words or phrases are included. | "work instruction" finds results where the exact phrase is included(results including additional characters, words or phrases will not be omitted from the search). |
The following syntax and operations are available in a global and/or type search when searching for File contents:
Operator | Description | Example |
file: | preface your search word or phrase with file: to search for files with a specific title or type. | file:GD12345.pdf will find results where that exact file is included. |
Asterisk (*) | Insert an asterisk (*) anywhere as a wildcard to replace one or more characters in your search. | file:*.docx will find resulting files with the .docx file type regardless of the leading file name.file:sample* will find resulting files with file names beginning with sample regardless of file type(s). |
Check out a couple of advanced examples combining the supported syntax and operations for making a global search.
Example 1: Searching data columns
This query will give you results where the words schematic
and PDU
are included in any visible data column AND where the phrase test system
is excluded:
1schematic PDU -"test system"
A type search is the most common way of searching in Highstage and lets you narrow the focus of your search to find results only of a specific type (i.e. Documents, Parts, Devices, Actions).
To create a type specific search query in Highstage:
Navigate to a dedicated search page (e.g. Document search, Part search, Action search, Device search).
Type your query using our supported syntax and operations.
Click Search
or hit Enter to search.
The search query will return results of the specific type if any of the searched words/terms exists in any of the visible data columns.
You can also use the type search to search for files, file types, and file contents of a specific type stored in Highstage.
To search for files, file types, and file contents:
Navigate to a dedicated search page (e.g. Document search, Part search, Action search, Device search).
Select file content
in the available drop down menu.
Type your query using our supported syntax and operations.
Click Search
or hit Enter to search.
A File hits section will list the files matching your search:
Note: The File hits section will read Found in other revision(s) if the search matches files that exists in another revision of that item. Click on Revisions to view all revisions of an item.
The following syntax and operations are available in the global and/or type search:
Operator | Description | Example |
Space (' ') | Separate words by a blank space (Space) to search for multiple words. | product released finds results containing both 'product' and 'released'. |
Minus (-) (!) | Put a minus sign (-) or exclamation mark (!) directly in front of words that you want to omit from your search. | product -resistor finds results containing 'product' but not 'resistor'. |
Double quotes ("") | Surround your search word or phrase, including special characters such as less than (<), larger than (>), or equals to (=), within double quotes (" ") to find results where those exact characters, words or phrases are included. | "work instruction" finds results where the exact phrase is included(results including additional characters, words or phrases will not be omitted from the search). |
The following syntax and operations are available in a global and/or type search when searching for File contents:
Operator | Description | Example |
file: | preface your search word or phrase with file: to search for files with a specific title or type. | file:GD12345.pdf will find results where that exact file is included. |
Asterisk (*) | Insert an asterisk (*) anywhere as a wildcard to replace one or more characters in your search. | file:*.docx will find resulting files with the .docx file type regardless of the leading file name.file:sample* will find resulting files with file names beginning with sample regardless of file type(s). |
The following guides introduces you to some of the standard search options when searching in Highstage.
Items in Highstage contains a large variety of different data columns. Many of them only relevant under specific circumstances for select users'. A grid provides a curated view of results where only relevant information is displayed and made searchable.
To select a grid, simply click on Grid and select from the available list:
Tip: Grids are configurable in Highstage. Each individual type can have any number of grids available with unique access permissions and a specific grid set as the default grid used when searching for contents of that specific type.
A Grid provides a preset configuration of the following search options:
Columns: Which data columns to display.
Description: Shown description when selecting the grid.
Filter: Which filter to be automatically selected when selecting the grid.
Max: How many results are displayed on each individual search page.
Order: How results are ordered (by a specific data column in ascending or descending order).
Reference columns: Which data columns to display when displaying references of the associated type.
Reference order: How reference results of the associated type is ordered (by a specific data column in ascending or descending order).
Title: Displayed title of the search page.
Types: Displayed sections of associated types (list of related results of other types).
Advanced search options:
Note that you can make changes to many of the options associated with a grid to further configure your type search. Please refer to our advanced search guide for an introduction to more advanced search options.
Administrator options:
With Administrator privileges (set userlevel of Administrator), you gain access to the 'raw' grid displaying all available data columns associated with results of the specific type.
The 'raw' grid is only intended for administration purposes.
As you search for results of various types (e.g. Documents, Actions, Parts, Devices, Customers, Projects, Suppliers, Employees etc.), a filter enables you to find the most relevant, updated and active results without having to create advanced search queries yourself.
For instance, an applied filter enables you to easily find approved Documents, closed Actions, Active projects or obsoleted Products.
To select a filter, simply click on Filter and select from the available list:
Tip: Filters are configurable in Highstage. Each individual type can have any number of filters available with unique criteria for each one. For each type, a default filter is selected.
For type search pages associated with Documents, Parts, and Devices, the following selection of filters are available by default:
All revisions: This option will show all revisions of the item matching the existing search query.
Latest (Default): This option will show only the latest revision of each item based on the additional search query.
Latest approved: This option will show only the latest approved revision of each item based on the additional search parameters.
Latest + latest approved: This option will show the latest approved together with the latest revision of each item.
Obsolete: This option will show all obsolete items based on the additional search parameters.
Rejected: This option will show all rejected items based on the additional search parameters.
Raw (available for users' with minimum set userlevel of SuperUser): No filtering applied. All results will be included.
For type search pages associated with Actions, the following selection of filters are available by default:
Closed: This option will only show closed Action processes.
Obsoleted: This option will only show obsoleted Action processes.
Non-Obsoleted (Default): This option will only show non-obsoleted Action processes (including open and closed action processes).
Open: This option will only show open Action processes.
Raw (available for users' with minimum set userlevel of SuperUser): No filtering applied. All results will be included.
For type search pages associated with users and groups, the following selection of filters are available by default:
Active (Default): This option will only show users and/or user groups that is currently active in Highstage.
Inactive: This option will only show users and/or user groups that are currently inactive in Highstage.
ldaperror (available for users' with minimum set userlevel of SuperUser): This option will only show users and/or user groups that currently has associated LDAP errors.
Raw (available for users' with minimum set userlevel of SuperUser): No filtering applied. All results will be included.
For type search pages associated with Projects, Customers, Departments, Manufacturers, and Products, the following selection of filters are available by default:
Active (Default): This filter option will only show active results.
Inactive: This filter option will only show inactive results.
All: This filter option will show all results (active or inactive).
Raw (available for users' with minimum set userlevel of SuperUser): No filtering applied. All results will be included.
It is possible to further narrow and customize your search results to find exactly what you need by taking advantage of data column filters:
You can expand a Type search by also searching and filtering directly on individual displayed data columns. This enables you to easily find parts from a specific workspace, identify documents approved within the last 24 hours, or retrieve a full list of your pending action processes.
To filter your search results:
Navigate to a dedicated search page (e.g. Document search, Part search, Action search, Device search).
Type your query using our supported syntax and operations in any of the visible search fields shown underneath the available data columns.
Click Search
or hit Enter to search.
The search query will return results where your words, phrases, and operations are found. Filtered results will be highlighted in all of the data columns so that you can see exactly where a filtered search matches the result.
The following general syntax and operations for text and/or numeric data columns that are available in the visible search fields underneath the available data columns when filtering:
Operator | Description | Example |
Space (' ') | Separate words by a blank space (Space) to search for multiple words. | product released finds results containing both 'product' and 'released'. |
Minus (-) (!) | Put a minus sign (-) or exclamation mark (!) directly in front of words that you want to omit from your search. | product -resistor finds results containing 'product' but not 'resistor'. |
Equals (=) | Put an equals sign (=) directly in front of a word to get results that are an exact match. | =Demonstration finds results that are an exact match. |
Double quotes ("") | Surround your search word or phrase, including special characters such as less than (<), larger than (>), or equals to (=), within double quotes (" ") to find results where those exact characters, words or phrases are included. | "work instruction" finds results where the exact phrase is included(results including additional characters, words or phrases will not be omitted from the search). |
Or (|) | Separate your search words or phrases with an OR sign (|) to find results where either one of the words or phrases are included. | Demonstration | "product released" finds results where either 'Demonstration' is contained or where the phrase 'product released' is included. |
Less than (<) | Put a less than sign (<) directly in front of numbers in numeric data columns to find results that are less than the specified number. | <5 finds all results where the value is less than 5. |
More than (>) | Put a more than sign (>) directly in front of numbers in numeric data columns to find results with a higher value than the specified number. | >5 finds all results where the value is more than 5. |
Less than or equal to (<=) | Put a less than or equal to sign (<=) directly in front of numbers in numeric data columns to find results that are less than or equal to the specified number. | <5 finds all results that are equal to and less than 5. |
More than or equal to (>=) | Put a more than or equal to sign (>=) directly in front of numbers in numeric data columns to find results that are more than or equal to the specified number. | >5 finds all results that are equal to and higher than 5. |
Punctuation (.) | Use a punctuation (.) as a special data column filter to retrieve results with explicit NULL values. |
In addition to the general syntax and operations, datetime data columns has additional operators allowing for an advanced filtering of specific dates, months, years or entire periods:
Operator | Description | Example |
Later than present time (T+) | Use later than present time (T+) directly in front of a date/time period (YYYY-MM-DD) in datetime data columns, to find results where exactly, from present day, the period will have been reached. | T+0001-02-05 finds results where the listed date will be exactly one year (0001), two months (02), and five days (05) from now. |
Prior to present time (T-) | Use prior to present time (T-) directly in front of a date/time period (YYYY-MM-DD) in datetime data columns, to find results where exactly, from present day, the period has been exceeded. | T-0000-01-10 finds results where the listed date will be exactly one month and ten days ago from todays date. |
International standard date and time notation: All datetime data columns in Highstage are formatted according to the International Standard ISO 8601. Date/time format is (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
Check out a couple of advanced examples combining the supported syntax and operations for filtering your search.
The following table provides you with an overview of examples of how you can filter results based on datetime data columns using the supported syntax and operations:
Query | About |
2019 | Search for items from 2019 |
=2019 | Search for items from 2019 |
2019-08 | Search for items from August 2019 |
<2019-08 | Search for items from less than September 2019 |
<=2019-09-15 | Search for items less than or equal to September 15, 2019 |
!=2019 | Search for items not from 2019 |
T-0001-00-00 | Search for items from one year ago from todays date |
T+0000-03-00 | Search for items from three months from now |
<T+0000-03-00 | Search for items from more than three months from now |
>T+0000-03-00 | Search for items from less than three months from now |
<T-0001-00-00 | Search for items from more than a year ago |
>T-0000-03-00 | Search for items from less than three months |
Simply put in a term to get results where your term is included:
Inserting more words and/or entire phrases will get results where each individual word/term is included in the results:
Note: Observe that the individual term/word does not need to be an exact match. Neither is the order or capitalization of each individual term/word taken into consideration.
Put a word and/or phrase inside quotes to search for results where that exact word and/or phrase is included:
For lists in Highstage, put a list entry inside semicolon characters to search for results that includes that exact list entry. For example, ;SK;
Put =
in front of a word/term to only get results that are an exact match:
To get an exact match for more words/terms or entire phrases put =
in front and surround the phrase in " "
For lists in Highstage, put ==
in front of a list entry to search for results that are an exact match:
Identifying lists: lists can be identified by the addition of the displayed magnifying glass ( 🔍 ) directly in the field. Clicking on the icon will display available tabs and list entries for selection.
When searching, please note that you are not effectively searching for all information that are available in Highstage. Data columns that are not visible will not be considered.
Using global and/or type search will only find results based off of the visible data columns that you can see directly in the grid:
Advanced search options: It is possible to add more data columns to be displayed and included or to search directly for contents in data columns that are not displayed. Please refer to our advanced search guide for an introduction to more advanced search options.
Highstage uses Windows Search to index and retrieve files, but there are some limitations to be aware of:
Indexing Limit: Performance may drop if indexing more than 1 million files.
System Impact: Large indexes can slow down your computer due to high CPU and disk usage.
Search Delays: Finding files may take longer with frequent updates or large datasets.
Network Drive Issues: Searches on network locations can be slow or incomplete.
Index Corruption: If search results are missing or incorrect, rebuilding the index may help.
For more details on troubleshooting and optimizing Windows Search, visit Microsoft’s official guide:
Troubleshoot Windows Search Performance.