Document number | Revision |
TN11987 | 1 |
Highstage workstation setupIntroductionWorkstation setupSupported systems and browsersProcedureSetup forWindows, Internet Explorer and MS Network file accessKnown issueaWeb Browser Extensions Installation
The following article introduces the preliminary steps of setup, to get Highstage up and running. Thisincludes installation of the ITHit document opener extension and setup of your Windows workstation.
Supported operating systems:
Supported browsers:
Initially no setup is required. However, at first file access user will be prompted to install a protocolplugin. Also, applications (ex. Office) may prompt for credentials iflocation is not located in Intranet zone.
Protocol can be pre-installed from here:
Operating System | Protocol installer |
Linux | ITHitEditDocumentOpener.debor ITHitEditDocumentOpener.tar.gz |
Max OS X | ITHitEditDocumentOpener.pkg |
Windows | ITHitEditDocumentOpener.msi |
Known issues
Windows 10 uses Edge browser as default .pdf viewer.Edge has an issue viewing .pdf files stored on a WebDAV server. Workaround is to install Adobe Reader and use this as default .pdfviewer.
Run setup.aspx for an active guidehelping you to setup your Windows workstation.
File access is the main cause of problems. WebDAV (file access over http) is the recommended file accessmethod and requires minimum setup and works cross browser and cross operating system. The Standard setup in theprevious section is the recommended setup.
In some situations, SMB/CIFS (MS Network) is preferred by some users or parts of organization. In this casethis alternate setup can be used, however it is only supported for users running Internet Explorer browser onWindows, and it requires setup of Microsoft/Windows clients either by central policies or by running a .batfile.
Note that standard setup uses WebDAV, this alternate setup sues SMB files access.
WebDAVand SMB/CIFS uses different file locking store. If more than one author edits the same file, and the authorsuses a mix of SMB and WebDAV file access then work may be lost due to users overwriting each other'swork
If you enter username/password for Highstage server (no integratedauthentication) then the credentials must be saved (checkbox at logon) for automation towork.
Network location must be mapped before files can beaccessed.
IE connections LAN settings should not have automatic detect settings checked to prevent longdelays.
During the protocol installation, web browser extensions are automatically installed for theIT Hit WebDAV in the various web browsers that you have installed.
This guide walks you through the process of ensuring that the Edit Document OpenerExtension is enabled in the browser that you use to access Highstage. The extension makesaccessing, opening and modifying documents in Highstage directly from your preferred browser easy, quick andreliable.
After installing and activating browser extensions, you must reload the web page for the changes to takeeffect.
The following guides describes the process of enabling the Edit Document Opener Extension for the variousbrowsers: